Great rifles deserve great triggers. In this post, let’s look at how a Jewell trigger is installed on a Winchester 70, or in this case, a FN Special Police which uses the same action.
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I ordered the following parts from Brownells:
After the rifle was made safe and empty, I removed it from the stock and held the barrel in a padded multi-vise.

If you are only used to Remington 700 triggers, the Winchester style triggers can be a bit intimidating at first (pro tip: Taking a picture of how you found it helps if you get lost later). While it does appear slightly more complex than a 700, it is still retained by only two pins, one of which holds the bolt stop and bolt stop spring.

A view of the left side of the trigger.

I begin by removing the rear trigger pin. This pin retains the bolt stop and bolt stop spring, both of which need to be retained.

To finish removing the trigger, the front trigger pin is drifted out. These are held in by splines on the pin’s head, removing them requires some force.

To install the new trigger assembly from Jewell, I clean the rear of the receiver and check to make sure everything fits. Once it checks out, I drive the front splined pin in. I like using a wide punch for this task.

Next, the rear trigger pin, bolt stop and bolt stop spring can be installed.

Jewell triggers are a work of art and need to be maintained. Note the screws on the side of the housing. These should be regularly inspected to ensure they remain tight. Once the trigger is in place, the bolt can be placed in the rifle; and, using a small wrench, each one of the adjustment screws tuned to adjust the trigger. The instructions provided with the trigger do an excellent job explaining this task. Because of how Jewell trigger are made, I don’t recommend them for field or duty use, but I think they excel at the range.

An critical part of the installation process requires adjustment of the trigger pull. To check this I typically use a Lyman gauge.

The bottom metal on needs to be opened for the trigger. I wrapped the side of the metal in blue tape to protect it from the vise and used a 4-flute carbide end mill to machine the opening bigger. The instructions contain the dimensions you need to make this cut.

The finished opening.

The rifle is ready for use!
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