Project Guns- Gunsmithing post directory
The contents of Rifleshooter.com are produced for informational purposes only and should be performed by competent gunsmiths only. Rifleshooter.com and its authors,do not assume any responsibility, directly or indirectly for the safety of the readers attempting to follow any instructions or perform any of the tasks shown, or the use or misuse of any information contained herein, on this website.
This page is continually updated (last update 10/4/16)
1911 Pistol
- Custom 1911 Project: Part 1- getting started
- Custom 1911 Project: Part 2-undercut trigger guard
- Custom 1911 Project: Part 3- fit and blend grip safety
- Custom 1911 Project: Part 4- Machining a chain link front strap
- Custom 1911 Project: Part 5- milling the slide for low mount sights
- Custom 1911 Project: Part 6- flat top and chain link top of slide
- Custom 1911 Project: Part 7- machining ball cuts on a 1911 slide
Shotgun barrel work
- Porting a shotgun barrel on milling machine
- Porting a shotgun barrel with a drill
- Choke tube installation
- Extending (lengthening) a shotgun forcing cone
- Back boring a shotgun barrel and lengthening the forcing cone
- Removing a fixed choke from a shotgun barrel and installing a choke tube system
- Mossberg 500: Cut, Crown and Choke Tube Installation
- Cut and Crown a Vent Rib Shotgun Barrel
- Understanding shotgun back bore
- Remington 870 barrel work: remove rifle sights, cut and crown
- Back bore a shotgun
Tactical Shotgun Build
- Remington 870 Tactical Shotgun Build (includes Sage ghost ring sight installation, stock and small parts recommendations)
- Scattergun Technologies Trak-Lock II ghost ring sight installation
- Vang Comp Systems ghost ring sight installation
- Remington 870 tritium rifle sight installation
- Shotgun ghost ring sights- Selecting the right sight for you
- Remington 870 rebuild- from hunting ducks to home defense
- Custom Remington 870 Wingmaster Build
General shotgun
- Shortening a shotgun stock and fitting a recoil pad
- Scattergun Technologies Trak-Lock II ghost ring sight installation
- Vang Comp Systems ghost ring sight installation
- Remington 870 tritium rifle sight installation
- Shotgun ghost ring sights- Selecting the right sight for you
Remington 870 Specific information
Mossberg Shotguns
Police Trade-ins
Competition Builds- 3-Gun rifle and shotgun
AR-15/M16 type rifle
- AR15 Rebuild: Updating the Musket
- AR15 Upper Receiver Build (Includes Daniel Defense RIS II installation)
- AR15 Special Purpose Rifle (SPR) Upper Receiver Build
- AR15/M4 Upper Receiver Build (Includes Daniel Defense Lite Rail Installation)
- AR15 Magazine Upgrade
- AR15 Barrel Threading
- Building (machining) an AR-15/M16 M4 barrel from a blank
Lever Action Rifle
- Marlin 1895 45-70 Brush Gun Build Part 1 (Includes cut and crown a barrel by hand, install ghost ring sights, fill dovetails, extended magazine tube, and refinish)
- Marlin 336 Straight Stock Conversion
AK Rifle
- Bolton Gas Block Installation
- Installing Venom’s Antidote muzzle brake & tactical gas block on an AK (Kalashnikov) barrel- cut, crown and thread an AK barrel
10/22 rifle
- Completing an 80% 10/22 Select Fire LLC RAZOR Semiautomatic Receiver
- Ruger 10/22 custom barrel work: Cut, crown, thread and fill sight dovetail
- Ruger 10/22 accuracy upgrade: Shortening factory chamber to improve accuracy
Custom bolt action rifle receivers
- BAT Machine’s Model VR 2-Lug Short Action Repeater: A Remington 700 Size Action
- Defiance Machine Stryker Ridge HTR action: Custom Remington 700 style reciever
- Defiance Machine Deviant Receiver: Custom Remington 700 style action
- Nesika Bay Model K action
- Surgeon 591 Action
Complete bolt action rifle builds
- Remington 700 Rebuild: Transforming a Factory 700 AAC Rifle to a Custom Precision Rifle
- Building a Custom Bolt Action .223 Rifle with a Blackheart International Action
- Building a Custom Remington 700 .308 Tactical Rifle
- Building a Custom Precision Rifle: Deviant 6.5×47 Lapua
- Building a 300 Winchester Magnum Precision Rifle
- Building a custom 260 Remington precision rifle
- Custom 338 Lapua Magnum Precision Rifle Build
- Custom Remington 700 6.5×47 Lapua Build
- Building a Custom 6.5 Creedmoor Precision Rifle (Surgeon action)
- Building a custom Remington 700 hunting rifle
- Hunting Rifle Rebuild: Customizing a Remington Model Seven Hunting Rifle
- Building a Remington 700 in 7.62×39 mm Russian
- Remington 700 SPS 243 Win to 6 Creedmoor conversion: Budget precision rifle
Bolt Action pistols
Custom Savage rifle builds
USMC M40A5 & M40A3 Builds
- Remington 700 (USMC M40A1, M40A3, M40A5) Q&A: What is a clip slot? Lug slot? Lugged base?
- USMC M40A5 Build- Part 1: Gathering the Parts
- USMC M40A5 Build-Part 2: Lug slotting the receiver
- USMC M40A5 Build- Part 3: Receiver Truing
- USMC M40A5 Build- Part 4: Threading and chambering the barrel and brake installation
- USMC M40A5 Build- Part 5: Bedding and final assembly
- Building a USMC M40A3: Cloning the Marine Corps Sniper Rifle from 1999-2009
Rifle chambering, barrel and action work
- Chambering a Rifle Barrel
- Chambering a rifle for an Ackley Improved Cartridge
- Blueprinting a Remington 700
- Re-chambering a barrel: 243 Winchester to 6×47 Lapua
- Chambering a rifle barrel between centers
- “Blueprinting” (Truing) a Remington 700 Action (lathe)
- How to taper a rifle barrel (barrel already chambered)
- Countouring a Rifle Barrel Blank (straight taper on barrel blank)
- Turning a sporter contour rifle barrel from a blank
RemAge conversion for Remington 700
Remington 700 gunsmithing
- Badger M16-Style Extractor Installation on a Remington 700
- Remington Model Seven (Model 7) Versus The Model 700
- Installing a SAKO extractor in a Remington 700/ Model Seven
Remington versus Savage
Winchester rifles
Fixtures and tools
- Making a Remington 700 Action V-Block
- Build a Remington 700 bolt disassembly tool
- Rifle action stuck in bedding? Build a Remington 700 action puller
Muzzle brake installation
- How to cut and crown a rifle barrel and install a brake– replaces Bolt action rifle muzzle brake installation: Installing a Surefire MB762SSAL/RE
- Badger Ordnance FTE Brake Installation
- Muzzle Brake Installation on a Precision Rifle: Timing and Installing an OPS R3E2C
- Vais Muzzle Brake Installation
- JEC Customs Recoil Reduction Muzzle Brake Review and Installation
Barrel fluting
Remington 700 external bolt stop installation
- Installing an External Bolt Stop/Release on a Remington 700
- External Remington 700 bolt stop- no step cut installation- method 2
- Remington 700 offset external bolt stop installation
Bolt action rifle
- Tactical Bolt knob installation
- Truing the bolt on a Remington 700
- Add a detachable magazine to your Remington 700 by installing Surgeon bottom metal
- Installing McMillan flush cups for quick-detach slings
- Cutting a recessed rifle crown
- Rifle bedding: How to bed a match rifle (replaces below)
- Skim bedding and pillar installation on a Remington 700
- Installing a PVS 22/27 mount on a bolt action rifle: McCann Industries SIRS
- Refreshing a poorly machined Remington 700 action
- Bipod rail installation (Atlas bipod adapter)
- Troubleshooting a 308 rifle
- Remington 700 8-40 scope base conversion
- Fixing a Custom 260 Remington Bolt Action Rifle
- Quick rifle bedding tip: Easy removal of bedding material from pillars
- Pillar bedding a rifle
- Cut and Crown a rifle barrel without a lathe
- Filling a dovetail sight blank
- Closing screw holes on a shotgun receiver with a TIG welder
- Iron sight adjustment made easy
- Milling front cocking serrations on a Glock slide
- Machining a Glock slide for a Trijicon RMR cut
- Glock firing pin channel removal and replacement
General Finishing/Refinishing
- Cerakote firearms refinishing: Quick tip for screws
- Cerakote firearm refinishing
- 5 Quick Tips for Applying Cerakote to Firearms
- Cerakote tip: Clean out your ejector hole before final assembly
General gunsmithing related
Metal working machinery
- Eliminate milling machine backlash: Splitting a Bridgeport feed screw nut
- Grizzly 4003G Gunsmith’s lathe chuck issue resolved
Videos related to firearms manufacturing and gunsmithing

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