Precision Rifles

Review: Remington 700 SPS Varmint

July 18, 2016 Bill Marr 0

Over the years I’ve built quite a few custom rifles on Remington 700 actions. The only factory parts I’ll typically use are the receiver and bolt assembly, everything else is upgraded.  When Remington offered a […]


Review: Shooting the MAGPUL Hunter 700 Stock

July 11, 2016 Bill Marr 0

MAGPUL is a well known shooting accessory company founded in 1999 by former United States Marine, Richard Fitzpatrick.  The original products were called MAGPULs, rubber loops attached to the bottom of a standard GI magazine […]

Precision Rifles

Reloading 101: Introduction to Hand Dies

June 27, 2016 Bill Marr 0

Hand dies for reloading? If you’ve been reloading awhile you’ve probably encountered an old set of hand dies at a gun show or garage sale (twenty years ago when I worked the gun counter old timers […]

Precision Rifles

Annealing brass for reloaders

June 6, 2016 Bill Marr 0

Most shooters are aware that brass work hardens as it is fired in a rifle and sized in a die.  The work hardening process makes the brass harder and less ductile.  If you have ever […]


Pillar bedding a rifle

May 16, 2016 Bill Marr 0

A well bedded stock is an essential part of an accurate rifle.  Pillar bedding helps ensure accuracy as conditions change. Historically, when rifles were equipped with wood stocks, as the wood expanded and contracted with changes […]