Mossberg 500 rebuild
In this post we will take a look at a budget shotgun rebuild/conversion. The goal of this project is bringing new life to a beat up old gun. The shotgun featured is a Mossberg 500 I […]
In this post we will take a look at a budget shotgun rebuild/conversion. The goal of this project is bringing new life to a beat up old gun. The shotgun featured is a Mossberg 500 I […]
What is back boring? Most shotgunners are familiar with the phrase back boring. Often it is advertised as a way to reduce recoil and improve shot patterns. A shotgun with a back bored barrel has its […]
If you frequent Rifleshooter.com, you’ll know, I often write about shotguns. It’s no surprise to my regular readers that my shotgun of choice is the Remington 870 equipped with Wilson Combat’s Trak-Lock II ghost ring sights. […]
As police departments around the country update their armories, many will sell or trade their old firearms. These law enforcement trade-ins offer a great value, typically at a significantly lower cost than new. Over the […]
I was lucky enough to find an old 870 Wingmaster receiver for sale. Having been a Remington 870 aficionado since the mid-90s, I developed quite the collection of spare parts, and those parts needed an […]
When the Remington 870 shotgun was originally designed, a shell could become jammed in between the bolt and the carrier without an easy way to remove it. Old timers report having to either take apart […]
The Cobray Terminator shotgun is an odd duck. This single shot, slam fire, folding stock shotgun was on the market for a short time… word on the street is only 18 were made (some report […]
The shotgun featured in this post is a beat up Mossberg 500 I purchased for $120. It came with a 30″ barrel and a fixed full choke. I’ll be converting it over to a home defense […]
I love rebuilding old Remington 870 shotguns. The rattier the donor gun, the more I enjoy it. In this article the donor gun is an old 20-gauge Remington 870 Express that was used as a […]
Porting a shotgun barrel can help reduce felt recoil and muzzle rise for the shooter. Previously, I showed how a shotgun barrel can be ported with a simple fixture and a hand drill, see: Porting […]
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