We are huge fans of GI Aluminum magazines, but we often find some of our old ones in the pile need a little help. Rather the toss them, we like to salvage the magazines with good feed lips and upgrade them into a reliable configuration we can use. Additionally, shooters in states that still have magazine bans that limit them to magazines made prior to 1994, can upgrade their old magazines to newer standards.
If you’ve never had a magazine follower tilt or bind, you are lucky. It can be an exercise in patience and the level of frustration and doubt it creates is nauseating. Back in the day it was a much more common occurrence, but technology has progressed and it happens less and less with the newer follower designs, such as the Magpul Generation III used here.
In addition to upgrading springs and followers, we like to install Magpul Ranger floorplates. The Ranger floorplates allow easier manipulation of most magazine carriers we use and well as protect the bottoms of the magazine when they drop on hard surfaces like concrete.
Since the followers and floorplates are supplied in quantities of 3 and the springs in quantities of 10, we often upgrade our magazines in lots of 9.
For our upgrade we use the following parts from Brownells:
- Magpul Ranger floorplates
- Magpul Generation II self-leveling followers
- 30 round spring, stainless steel, 10 pack

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