Improved belt sander table (tooling plate)
We’ve been grinding a lot of recoil pads with the B&R recoil pad grinding fixture at the shop lately. Our current mounting fixture leaves a lot to be desired. If you look in the bottom […]
We’ve been grinding a lot of recoil pads with the B&R recoil pad grinding fixture at the shop lately. Our current mounting fixture leaves a lot to be desired. If you look in the bottom […]
If the rear sight on your Smith and Wesson revolver is damaged, worn, or in need of an upgrade, it can be changed without replacing the entire assembly. In this post we’ll see how. This […]
“We do it right because we do it twice!” Greg Wagner, Wildlife Photographer Background The 6.5 Creedmoor has become one of the most popular center-fire cartridges in the precision rifle world. Not only does the […]
All too often we’ll encounter wood rifle and shotgun stocks that have split due to use, misuse, or improper storage. Sometimes these stocks are victims of improper repairs, other times, they’ve lingered away, forgotten about […]
It’s easy to appreciate a quality revolver. The Smith and Wesson K-frame is a personal favorite. Recently we had a customer bring a 3″ Model 66 into the shop to have its front sight replaced. […]
Most of the rifles I review on this site were either built by me, or, in the case of factory guns, purchased with my own money. Occasionally I’ll get a T&E sample gun to review, […]
While most sporting shotguns lack the intricate sights associated with rifles, most have some sort of rib and/or bead present. Installing a bead on a plain shotgun barrel is a fairly simple task that can […]
Occasionally you may encounter the need to cut and crown a pistol barrel. While this can be accomplished with certain hand tools, use of a lathe makes the process easier. In this post, let’s look […]
I believe 223 Remington is one of the more underappreciated cartridges on the market. Sure, the industry sells a boat load of it. Unfortunately, most of this success is due to its widespread use in […]
The more I shoot custom rifles, the more I’ve come to appreciate accurate entry level rifles. I liked the Ruger American Rifle Predator in 6 Creedmoor when I reviewed it back in March 2017, but […]
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