Building a Custom 6GT Rifle
I’ve been in the shooting business since the late 1990s. While there has always been a seemingly continuous rollout of new and better cartridges, it seems like the frequency of introductions has increased in the […]
I’ve been in the shooting business since the late 1990s. While there has always been a seemingly continuous rollout of new and better cartridges, it seems like the frequency of introductions has increased in the […]
Editor’s note: Back when I started shooting in the early 1990’s, rifle bipods were few and far between. Like today, Harris Bipod’s were the most common. Attaching to any QD stud, they were adaptable to […]
Over the past decade precision rifle matches have gained an overwhelming amount of attention. The two most notable organizations, the Precision Rifle Series and Competition Dynamics paved the way for national level matches and inspired […]
Does the MagnetoSpeed V3 chronograph change group size and point of impact? For many of us the MagnetoSpeed barrel mounted ballistic chronograph has been a game changer. As a guy who used to drag his […]
A look at how rifle barrels speed up: Measuring the increase of muzzle velocity in new barrels Seasoned shooters and barrel makers will often tell you new rifle barrels speed up. Normally they say something […]
Sierra .308 195 gr. Tipped MatchKing (TMK) load development: 308 Winchester and VARGET In Sierra .308 195 gr. Tipped MatchKing (TMK) REVIEW and load development: 308 Winchester and IMR 4064, we had a first look at […]
Sierra 195 gr. Tipped MatchKing (TMK) REVIEW and load development: 308 Winchester and IMR 4064 Sierra recently expanded the Tipped MatchKing (TMK) line with the introduction of a 195 grain .308 diameter bullet #7795. […]
The expanding popularity of precision rifles has been accompanied by discussion about abandoning the 308 Winchester in favor of the 6.5 Creedmoor. But what about the other match calibers out there? Specifically 6.5×47 Lapua, 260 Remington, 243 […]
In the short time since its introduction, the Ruger Precision Rifle (RPR) has become established in the shooting industry. While there have been precision rifles in similar setups available for years, what made the Ruger […]
In Marine Corps boot camp we spent a week snapping in on a white barrel with small silhouette targets painted on it. The entire platoon would gather around the barrel in either prone, sitting, kneeling […]
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