Remage Conversion 6BR 108 Berger
I headed to the range with the Remington 700 Remage conversion in 6mm BR Norma (6BR) to gather some more accuracy data. If you didn’t read the Remage barrel installation post, take a look at Rebarrel a […]
I headed to the range with the Remington 700 Remage conversion in 6mm BR Norma (6BR) to gather some more accuracy data. If you didn’t read the Remage barrel installation post, take a look at Rebarrel a […]
When the Remington 870 shotgun was originally designed, a shell could become jammed in between the bolt and the carrier without an easy way to remove it. Old timers report having to either take apart […]
A Hart XM3 rifle barrel has arrived! As an XM3 fan, I’ve started gathering parts to clone a DARPA XM-3 rifle (to learn more about the XM3, check out “The Darpa XM-3″ by Steve Reichert). I’ve cloned the […]
Finally, the weather broke and I got a chance to shoot my Remington 700 Remage conversion. If you didn’t read the installation post, take a look at Rebarrel a Remington 700 without a lathe: McGowen’s Remage barrel […]
I love my Bridgeport milling machine. When I noticed a small jump in my table during climb cutting operations I figured something was wrong. It turns out my Bridgeport milling machine had about .045″ of […]
Head over to the bolt action rifle section of any internet shooting forum and you are bound to stumble into the Savage and Remington rifle debate. While the Remington 700 is more refined (and expensive) […]
This is a fantastic video of Turnbull Restoration and Manufacturing restoring a vintage Winchester rifle. If you aren’t familiar with Turnbull, take a look at their site, their work is exquisite.
If you own a Remington 700 and want to work on it, you’ll need a way to remove the firing pin assembly from the bolt. One method is to use a coin in the slot […]
I’ve had my Grizzly 4003G Gunsmith’s lathe for approximately 2 years and love it. Since I use the lathe primarily for barrels, my work has been with a spider or 4-jaw chuck. I only mounted […]
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