
Bedding an HS Precision Stock

January 2, 2017 Bill Marr 0

HS Precision stocks are well known in the bolt action rifle world.  Often encountered as OEM stocks on  rifles from various manufacturers, they are a step up from the injection molded plastic stocks found on […]


Customizing a Mossberg MVP 5.56

December 14, 2016 Bill Marr 0

The Mossberg MVP rifles have been extremely popular since their introduction.  The compact action, short barrel and ability to feed from standard AR-15/M16 M4 magazines makes a nifty package.  Take a look at our review: Review: […]


Lapua brass is on sale!

November 22, 2016 Bill Marr 0

  Wow, just browsing the net and saw Brownells has some pretty deep discounts on Lapua brass, take a look, (click here).