
Aimpoint Micro T-2 Review

December 19, 2014 Bill Marr 0

Aimpoint Micro T-2 Review The Aimpoint Micro T-2 is the updated version of the tried and true Micro T-1.  I’ve been using the T-1 (initially in 4 MOA dot size, then 2 MOA) since it […]

Cartridge Selection

6X47 Lapua (6-6.5×47 Lapua) Review

November 28, 2014 Bill Marr 0

6×47 (6-6.5×47) Lapua Review 6mm (.243″) cartridges are popular among target shooters in various disciplines.  Low recoil  and excellent external ballistics offer shooters the ability to use a flat shooting cartridge without getting beat up on […]


Cut and Crown a Vent Rib Shotgun Barrel

November 3, 2014 Bill Marr 0

Used shotguns with long barrels are readily available in most areas.  A 28″ vent rib shotgun is great for the duck blind or goose hunting, but too long for many other hunting and sporting applications. […]