Aimpoint Micro T-2 Review
Aimpoint Micro T-2 Review The Aimpoint Micro T-2 is the updated version of the tried and true Micro T-1. I’ve been using the T-1 (initially in 4 MOA dot size, then 2 MOA) since it […]
Aimpoint Micro T-2 Review The Aimpoint Micro T-2 is the updated version of the tried and true Micro T-1. I’ve been using the T-1 (initially in 4 MOA dot size, then 2 MOA) since it […]
Quite a few respected trainers have been suggesting the use of small red dot sights on tactical and defensive shotguns. In theory, the single focal plane of a red dot sight should make for rapid […]
We’ve been using Parabellum Armament’s AKARS for 9 months. You may have read our first review here, or our second here. In the first post, we field stripped the gun between shots to verify that it […]
We recently acquired an Aimpoint T1 2MOA sight from Brownells. Among the smallest and lightest of the red dot sights, the T1 in the traditional 4MOA dot size is a Rifleshooter.com favorite. Weighing 3.7 ounces and submersible […]
“The AKARS provides shooters a solid, repeatable solution to attach optics to their AK rifles” Rifleshooter.com reviews Parabellum Armament’s AKARS Introduction: Parabellum Armament’s AK Adaptive Rail System (AKARS) provides AK shooters a way to mount […]
Rifleshooter.com teams up with Brownell’s to update an old AR-15 The following article chronicles our build and is for informational purposes only. Reflecting on the round count for the carbine I am currently shooting, […]
Rifleshooter.com AR15 Upper Receiver Build: The following chronicles rifleshooter.com’s upper receiver build. It is presented for information purposes only. Have a certified gunsmith inspect and check any work prior to attempting to fire. […]
Here are our suggestions for a basic carbine. Rifle Base rifle: Quality AR15 with either a carbine or mid length gas system. We consider Daniel Defense, Colt, Windham Weaponry and BCM top of the line […]
Most carbine shooters run iron sights, a red dot, or a fixed magnified optic. A few months ago I headed to the range with a sample of each to see if one sighting system would […]
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