Improved belt sander table (tooling plate)
We’ve been grinding a lot of recoil pads with the B&R recoil pad grinding fixture at the shop lately. Our current mounting fixture leaves a lot to be desired. If you look in the bottom […]
We’ve been grinding a lot of recoil pads with the B&R recoil pad grinding fixture at the shop lately. Our current mounting fixture leaves a lot to be desired. If you look in the bottom […]
Removing and replacing the firing pin channel in your Glock pistol can be a bit of a chore (removing it is the hard part, putting it back in is fairly simple). While it isn’t something […]
How do you back bore a shotgun barrel? In Understanding shotgun back bore, I discussed what back bore was and how it affected patterning of shotguns. In this post, we will look at how to back […]
If you own a Remington 700 and want to work on it, you’ll need a way to remove the firing pin assembly from the bolt. One method is to use a coin in the slot […]
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