Rogers Super-Stoc Review
Rogers Super-Stoc Review Designed by Bill Rogers, former FBI agent, inventor of the Kydex holster and founder of the premier shooting school in the United States; the Rogers Super-Stoc is designed to fit your […]
Rogers Super-Stoc Review Designed by Bill Rogers, former FBI agent, inventor of the Kydex holster and founder of the premier shooting school in the United States; the Rogers Super-Stoc is designed to fit your […]
Remington 870 3-Gun Build Rifleshooter.com and Brownells make a Remington 870 competition ready The following documents our experiences and is presented for informational purposes only. In order to make the steps easier to understand, we separated the […]
While ambidextrous selector switches aren’t new to AR-15, the Battle Arms Development Ambidextrous Safety Selector (BAD-ASS) does offer new features providing shooters with the option to choose between six different lever designs for 36-possible combinations. Offering […]
With steel targets being the most common reactive target, shooters with range facilities that do not permit steel because of safety or noise concerns, or don’t want to bother dragging steel out; now have […]
“The AKARS provides shooters a solid, repeatable solution to attach optics to their AK rifles” Rifleshooter.com reviews Parabellum Armament’s AKARS Introduction: Parabellum Armament’s AK Adaptive Rail System (AKARS) provides AK shooters a way to mount […]
“Reliable, safe, crisp and clean; this is everything an AR-15 trigger should be.” “Sights and triggers, sights and triggers, it’s all sights and triggers”; the chief warrant officer who ran the range at the […]
Rifleshooter.com: Scattergun Technologies Trak-Lock II Ghost Ring sights Installation on a Remington 870 Police Rifleshooter.com thanks Brownells for providing the required parts and supplies. Vang Comp Systems ghost ring sight installation can be found here […]
Rifleshooter.com and Brownells modify a factory barrel with startling results Our readers know we are huge fans of the Remington 870 and spend an inordinate amount of time tinkering with ours. As we write […]
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