Trim rifle brass quickly and easily: Little Crow Gun Works World’s Finest Trimmer Review
While conventional, hand turned case trimmers work well for processing small batches of cartridge cases, shooters who need to process large volumes of the same kind of brass will often find trimming cases a choke point slowing the entire process. Normally the only options a reloader had to speed the process were to either add a power source, such as a drill to the conventional case trimmer, or buy a fairly expensive dedicated machine. Little Crow Gun Works has answered the call with a reasonably priced alternative, the World’s Finest Case Trimmer.

The Worlds Finest Case Trimmer is housed in an aluminum body. At one end of the unit is a high-speed steel end mill, and at the other is a case holder that is housed inside of a ball bearing. Trim to length adjustment is made via two set screws that hold the end mill in place. To use the unit, simply chuck the end mill into a drill, insert a case and trim to length. It’s that easy, and that quick. Our unit was for use with 308 Winchester cases, however, trimmers are available for a wide range of cartridges.

We were really impressed with this unit. If you load a lot of a particular cartridge, such as 223 or 308, this is an outstanding option. It was fast and easy to use and produced consistent case lengths. The end mill leaves a flat surface on the end of the case mouth will a small burr which needs to be removed- which needs to be done when using more conventional methods anyway.

The World’s Finest Case Trimmer, along with everything else a reloader needs, is available from Brownells.

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