Reload long enough and you start to appreciate the little things that work well, in this case your powder funnel. Most reloaders, including us, start off with some sort of plastic powder funnel. While they work, the downside to the plastic models is the static electricity that keeps some errant powder granules from passing through the funnel. Aluminum funnels, like the Satern, don’t have this problem.
Made of spun aluminum, with a brass case adapter, the Satern powder funnels are available for specific calibers as well as in 22 to 30 , and 30 to 50 caliber. We found the Satern powder funnels a pleasure to use and one of those items you really need to try to appreciate. This is the Cadillac of powder funnels- but quite a bit cheaper- only $11.95 for the caliber specific models.
I've spent an inordinate amount of time at the reloading bench for more than two decades. It has been an exercise in patience, with great rewards at times, and the feeling that I could have always done something slightly better. While the dies I use are typically top notch, many…
Considering how technical the shooting sports can be, shooters and reloaders can be demanding people to shop for. With over twenty years in the sport, I decided to weigh in with my gift ideas. Hopefully this guide will help give you the perfect gift this holiday season! Idea #1 -…
Hand dies for reloading? If you've been reloading awhile you've probably encountered an old set of hand dies at a gun show or garage sale (twenty years ago when I worked the gun counter old timers would bring in sets of hand dies to give away). Years ago they were thought…
In this post let’s take a look to see if primer size affects the performance of hand loads in the 6.5 Creedmoor. I’ll be shooting the same brand of brass, powder, and bullets to see […]
Trim rifle brass quickly and easily: Little Crow Gun Works World’s Finest Trimmer Review While conventional, hand turned case trimmers work well for processing small batches of cartridge cases, shooters who need to process large […]
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