The .30 Caliber/7.62MM (.308) 175 Grain HPBT Sierra MatchKing (SMK) is the gold standard for 308 Winchester precision rifle shooters. In January 2015, Sierra introduced a .30 Caliber/7.62MM (.308) 175 Grain HPBT Tipped MatchKing (TMK) […]
For precision shooters, proper case preparation is key to high quality, accurate, reloaded ammunition. While time consuming when performed by hand, some manufacturers offer powered solutions to expedite the process. While these units are certainly […]
Reloading 6.5 Creedmoor with Reloder 16 (RL16) and the 142 and 150 Sierra MatchKing (SMK) I’ve heard some great things about Reloder 16 (it isn’t reloader, note the spelling) in the 6.5 Creedmoor. Notably, impressive […]
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