Custom Glock slide milling
The Glock has become a staple of the American shooting culture. Thirty years ago it would be hard to believe this boxy plastic and steel gun chambered in a puny cartridge would become as popular […]
The Glock has become a staple of the American shooting culture. Thirty years ago it would be hard to believe this boxy plastic and steel gun chambered in a puny cartridge would become as popular […]
Removing and replacing the firing pin channel in your Glock pistol can be a bit of a chore (removing it is the hard part, putting it back in is fairly simple). While it isn’t something […]
My introduction to red dot sights came in the mid-90s. I was working at the range in the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) in 29 Palms, California. My Gunny came up to me […]
Allowing the shooter to only focus on one plane when shooting, red dot sights, long established on carbines, are gaining in popularity on pistols. A Glock equipped with a Trijicon RMR red dot sight seems […]
Front cocking serrations are popular with some pistol shooters. Once the hallmark of custom 1911 builders, these cuts were quickly adopted to production 1911 pistols, and then to other production guns. They have become so prevalent […]
Shooting a firearms qualification course is a great way to benchmark your proficiency. Pistol qualifications are among the easiest to replicate on your own. Typically taking places at distances of 25 yards and less, […]
“It’s all sights and triggers”. Words of wisdom from Chief Warrant Officer Warfield. He ran the rifle and pistol range at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in 29 Palms, CA. While I may not […]
Introduction I bought my first Glock, a used Generation-2 G19 in 1994. With the exception of a short affair with a Sig 220, I’ve been a Glock guy ever since. The operating system is simple […]
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