
Mossberg 500 rebuild

August 12, 2015 Bill Marr 0

In this post we will take a look at a budget shotgun rebuild/conversion.  The goal of this project is bringing new life to a beat up old gun. The shotgun featured is a Mossberg 500 I […]


Back bore a shotgun

August 5, 2015 Bill Marr 0

How do you back bore a shotgun barrel? In Understanding shotgun back bore, I discussed what back bore was and how it affected patterning of shotguns.  In this post, we will look at how to back […]


Charter Arms Pitbull .45 ACP Review

July 25, 2015 Dave 0

The Charter Arms Pitbull .45 ACP: Big Boy is in the House We don’t do very many handgun reviews here at, despite the fact that some of us do more pistol shooting than anything […]