Mossberg 500 rebuild
In this post we will take a look at a budget shotgun rebuild/conversion. The goal of this project is bringing new life to a beat up old gun. The shotgun featured is a Mossberg 500 I […]
In this post we will take a look at a budget shotgun rebuild/conversion. The goal of this project is bringing new life to a beat up old gun. The shotgun featured is a Mossberg 500 I […]
I worked up some loads for my custom 6.5 Creedmoor precision rifle with a 22″ barrel using Sierra’s 142 Grain MatchKing (SMK) HPBT and Hodgdon H4350 powder. According to Sierra, the 142 grain […]
How do you back bore a shotgun barrel? In Understanding shotgun back bore, I discussed what back bore was and how it affected patterning of shotguns. In this post, we will look at how to back […]
My introduction to red dot sights came in the mid-90s. I was working at the range in the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) in 29 Palms, California. My Gunny came up to me […]
I came across a brass sale at Brownells. I’m a pretty cheap guy so it caught my attention. I just ordered a bunch. Here is a link…
This is a custom Remington 700 precision rifle I built with my friend. It is a collection of old and new parts. New parts purchased were a Remington 700 Left-Hand short action receiver with .308 bolt […]
I’ve taken a few trips to the range developing a load for my 22″ barrel 6.5 Creedmoor precision rifle. The rifle is built with the following components from Brownells: Surgeon 591 action Bartlein 6.5mm 1:8 […]
Allowing the shooter to only focus on one plane when shooting, red dot sights, long established on carbines, are gaining in popularity on pistols. A Glock equipped with a Trijicon RMR red dot sight seems […]
Front cocking serrations are popular with some pistol shooters. Once the hallmark of custom 1911 builders, these cuts were quickly adopted to production 1911 pistols, and then to other production guns. They have become so prevalent […]
The Charter Arms Pitbull .45 ACP: Big Boy is in the House We don’t do very many handgun reviews here at rifleshooter.com, despite the fact that some of us do more pistol shooting than anything […]
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