Great rifles that got away: Remington 700 Titanium
Great rifles that got away! Believe it or not there was a time when Remington (who still refuses to introduce a 700 in 6.5 Creedmoor because they must be afraid of the piles of money […]
Great rifles that got away! Believe it or not there was a time when Remington (who still refuses to introduce a 700 in 6.5 Creedmoor because they must be afraid of the piles of money […]
Modular Driven Technologies (MDT) Elite Sniper System (ESS) chassis review I’ve been reviewing products from Modular Driven Technologies (MDT) since they were founded. Their product line started with the TAC21 and expanded of to include […]
Modular Driven Technologies (MDT) Elite Sniper System (ESS) chassis initial impressions I’ve been shooting chassis from MDT since their inception. We’ve thoroughly reviewed their first three designs, the TAC21, LSS and HS3- all of which […]
In my opinion, there aren’t many guns cooler than a short bolt action rifle. I think my fascination started back in the 90s, before the proliferation of precision rifles, with an advertisement in the Shotgun News […]
Barrel a Remington 70o without a lathe? With a short chambered barrel, no lathe, no problem! Pre-threaded short chambered barrels allow a gunsmith to replace the barrel of a rifle without the use of a lathe. […]
Over the years I’ve built quite a few custom rifles on Remington 700 actions. The only factory parts I’ll typically use are the receiver and bolt assembly, everything else is upgraded. When Remington offered a […]
MAGPUL is a well known shooting accessory company founded in 1999 by former United States Marine, Richard Fitzpatrick. The original products were called MAGPULs, rubber loops attached to the bottom of a standard GI magazine […]
The 7.62×39 mm Russian cartridge has a strong following in the United States. While most shooters encounter it in the SKS or AK47, it is also available in more refined rifles like the Ruger Mini-30, […]
Having built custom rifles on Remington actions and clones for years, and starting to build custom rifles on Savage actions, I felt it would be useful to compare the receivers of both rifles side by […]
Since its introduction by Hornady in 2007, the 6.5 Creedmoor (sometimes shortened to Creed) has established a strong foothold in the US rifle market. The 6.5 Creedmoor balances the excellent external ballistics of .264″ diameter bullets […]
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