If you read our reviews of Paul Howe’s Tac Pistol and Tac Rifle Operator DVD’s, you know we fully embrace his system. His Advanced Tac Pistol/Rifle Operator DVD picks up where the previous two DVDs left off with a focus on individual movements.
As always, we don’t want to give away too much of the information contained in the video, but here is a brief overview:
The DVD thoroughly covers an expansive range of topics; barricades, use of vehicles as cover, fully and partially exposed targets, hallway movement, and specific drills. You begin to see the full evolution of the system, and why his system is structured the way it is. While the entire DVD is outstanding, I find his methods for dealing with barricades and addressing hallways especially well thought out. I also now, fully appreciate why he doesn’t include weak side manipulation as part of his standards.
If you are new to rifle and carbine use and want to learn everything you really need to know about tactical rifle and pistol operation, this video as well as the tac pistol and tac rifle videos would fully address your instructional needs. As an Marine Corps veteran, experienced competitive shooter, and firearms instructor, I found it, like his others, very valuable.
This is an outstanding, well thought out product and is avaiable driectly from Panteo Productions here. Kudos to Panteo to continue providing a quality product to consumers.
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