Shooting groups with tumbling bullets!?!?
Sometimes odd things happen at the range. This is one of those events that happened by accident. I was working up some reduced-recoil loads with IMR Trail Boss for my 308 Winchester and fired a […]
Sometimes odd things happen at the range. This is one of those events that happened by accident. I was working up some reduced-recoil loads with IMR Trail Boss for my 308 Winchester and fired a […]
308 Winchester H4895 Reduced loads, 168 SMK and 150 Pro-Hunter H4895 is the first powder Hodgdon introduced. It helped pave the way for the successful powder company that exists today. Often thought of as an […]
Here is a quick update on the McGowen pre-fit barrel project. To recap, in Installing a pre-fit barrel on a Remington 700, I installed a pre-fit McGowen 1:10″ twist, 25″ long #7 barrel on an old 700. […]
6.5 Creedmoor H4895 reduced loads: 123 SMK and 142 SMK When I started reloading center-fire rifle in the 90s I was mostly concerned with maximizing velocity. A younger guy, I tried to squeeze every bit […]
6.5 Creedmoor loads: 107 SMK IMR 8208 XBR and 142 SMK Superformance 6.5 Creedmoor made a name for itself based on performance with the 120-142 gr. class bullets. Unlike older cartridges such as the 308 […]
6.5 Creedmoor loads: 123 SMK and 130 TMK with VARGET I’m a big fan of 6.5mm. There are some great bullets out there, some heavy and some light. Amongst my favorites in the middle of […]
6.5 Creedmoor loads: 142 gr. and 140 gr. SMK with H4350 I hate to say it, but I guess I drank the 6.5 Creedmoor Kool-Aide. I’ve posted quite a bit of load development for the […]
7mm Remington Magnum load development: 197 gr and 183 gr Sierra MatchKings (SMK) In the days before the current 6.5mm craze, cartridges with a “metric” bullet size in the name never really caught on in […]
I’ve had great success with the 6.5 Creedmoor. Normally I run the 123 or 142 gr Sierra MatchKing (SMK). My go to powders are Varget (for lighter loads) and H4350 (for heavies). I decided to […]
If you are like me and load a lot of precision rifle ammunition, you probably run a single stage press. Progressive presses are fantastic for blasting ammo, but tend to lack the control and tolerances […]
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