The Mossberg MVP rifles have been extremely popular since their introduction. The compact action, short barrel and ability to feed from standard AR-15/M16 M4 magazines makes a nifty package. Take a look at our review: Review: Mossberg MVP Patrol 5.56mm NATO (223 Remington) and 7.62 NATO (308 Winchester).
Can the MVP be improved? Let’s try to customize one.
For this project we’ll be using parts from a number of different sources:
I also ordered the following from Brownells:
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Any modifications made to a firearm should be made by a licensed gunsmith. Failure to do so may void warranties and result in an unsafe firearm and may cause injury or death.
Modifications to a firearm may result in personal injury or death, cause the firearm to not function properly, or malfunction, and cause the firearm to become unsafe.
The first part I wanted to upgrade was the stock. While the black plastic stock that Mossberg provides works; a new stock, like the laminate model, will make the rifle look better.
This is the factory magazine well. It is a piece of plastic that simply slides into the stock. A test fit shows it will work.
The barreled action is then placed in the stock. Note it does not fit in the barrel channel area. Material will have to be removed from the stock.
A fine marker is used to outline the barrel.
A bedding tool is used to remove the bulk of the material.
I follow the tool with abrasive cloth wrapped around a deep well socket that matches the diameter of the barrel.
With the material removed the barreled action drops right in.
The back of the action also hits this area behind the rear lug (the punch indicates the area above).
A quick pass on the mill relieves this area. If you don’t have access to a mill, a Dremel would work.
Everything fits pretty well.
I’ll be replacing the factory plastic magazine well and trigger guard (top) with aftermarket metal parts (bottom) . These parts are made by Tromix.
Another view of the replacement parts. The Tromix metal parts are on the right, plastic on the left. Note the metal magazine will is slightly larger than the original.
Back to the mill to open up the stock for the new magazine well.
With the cut made, the magazine well fits in place and the rifle can be reassembled.
Looks good, right? How does it shoot? Short answer OK. To my regular readers, I’m sorry, I lost the pictures of my targets!!! But the gun shot about the same as it did before we swapped out stocks, 1-1.5 MOA.
Widener’s was kind enough to send me Reimington 69 gr. and Fiocchi 77 gr match ammo. The Remington had a muzzle velocity of 2732 feet/second with a standard deviation of 44.4 feet/second. The Fiocchi 77 gr had a muzzle velocity of 2427 feet/second with a standard deviation of 30.0 feet/second. I feel bad that I lost my targets, so please, help me out and visit Widener’s if you read this.
The Boyd’s stock look good, however, the design of the MVP doesn’t lend itself to a traditional bedding job.
The Tormix steel aluminum trigger guard and magazine well are nice upgrades further of consideration.
In the market for a Mossberg MVP, good news, Brownells now sells rifles! Take a look…
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